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Minstry with the Covenant Faith Church!

In 2024 our family was introduced to Convenant Faith  Church  on the NAVAJO Reservation when we joined a missions trip to bless this community. 

a couple of months later we returned to Covenant Faith Church on a new mission : to donate a pickup truck to help distribute food and firewood to this isolated community.

While we were there the second time I had the beautiful opprotunity to join Callie Bennet for the Women's ministry worship night - the power of God flowed powerfully as I worshipped with my violin. 

The next day I helped with worship again at their Sunday Morning Service. Again the Glory was tangibly present!

Now I have been invited to come join them this summer at their 2 major conferences: Healing of the Nations!

First Trip to Covenant Faith Church!

We arrived with no idea what projects may lay ahead - simply wanting to be a blessing and be the hands and feet of Jesus! This building is the plumbing facilities for the entire minstry - bathrooms and showers. However, in the 110+ degree heat of Arizona summers, this metal box got dangerously hot. Our mission assignment was to build shade for the building, sand away sun-baked paint and stain the wood that was usable, replacing what was rotted. The indoor projects included new flooring and much cleaning.

Our Second trip to the 'Rez'

on our second trip to Covenant Faith Church, I was given the beautiful opportunity to worship with Callie Bennet (an award-winning song writer and palmist!) The power of God met us there and it was amazing.


New Opprotunities!

This summer I have been invited to join Callie in leading worship with my violin at their major conferences: The Healing of the Nations! If you're interested in partnering financially with us in this amazing opportunity please message me

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