As we have already seen, he said: ‘You must listen when you hear God speak today. Do not refuse to obey Him.’”
Hebrews 4:7b EASY
the voice of many waters
Is the sound that
Sets me free
Your voice, oh Lord
Is beautiful to me!
Today I pray that your spiritual hearing will be attuned to the gentle voice of the Father. I rejoice that the roar of the Lion of Judah will silence the enemy and bring His Angel Armies to hear and heed His call!
I pray that the multitude of voices of this physical world will fade as the beauty and wonder, power and glory, grace and healing that Adoni’s voice washes over you!
“Those who have been born from God don’t live sinful lives. What God has said lives in them, and they can’t live sinful lives. They have been born from God.”
1 John 3:9 GW