“For when you look at me you are seeing the One who sent me.”
John 12:45 TPT
This morning I worship in wonder of the One whose Righteousness has revealed what is good, what is holy -& what is ahead …. as what is and was & will be is seen in and through the Eternal perspective of grace- SELAH!
This morning I pray that your heart and eyes, attention and intentions are focused of the Rod and Staff of our Great Shepherd. May His Righteousness and Holiness be the measure that you weigh your agenda on. May His Protection and Guidance be the sure footing of every step of faith.
I pray that as you go, others will see Him who sent you - because every step is taken on Kingdom assignment, with the King’s seal of approval and authority!
May your intentional focus on what is righteous- what is pleasing to the Holy Spirit- cause you to rise as a leader, even as you follow in the footprints of your Shepherd, walking in the very Love of God.
May you influence this world with Kingdom Truths that have been revealed as you gazed in wonder in the Presence of God. May His Presence surround you, infuse you & awaken you today - drawing your attention to the glorious plans He has prepared!