I worship You, Yeshua- for You are the Light of the World and Your love is the fire that ignites my soul!
Today I pray for those in your house - in your physical home, in your house of worship, in your heart - I pray that the light that Christ has ignited in you will be a shining beacon of hope for them.
May His unmistakable and undeniable love and peace shine on your countenance and through your life.
I rejoice that the same fire that guided the Israelites is the light that draws you close to the Throne and now awakens those in your house to worship with you! May you enter into His Presence together.
““No one lights a lamp and then covers it with a bowl or hides it under a bed. A lamp is placed on a stand, where its light can be seen by all who enter the house.”
Luke 8:16 NLT