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Growing up


Their descendants will be given power on earth. Those who do right will be greatly blessed.

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭112:2‬ ‭ERV‬‬

This morning I worship our Faithful Father, whose grace and generosity has empowered us to live victoriously as Kingdom subjects! SELAH!

I pray today that you may have a fresh revelation of the grace of Christ. May you be reminded of the innumerable and immeasurable graces that have redeemed you time and again, restoring your peace and providing joy, strength and encouragement as these same gifts prepare you to receive His generosity.

I pray that thanksgiving will overflow with shouts of gladness and songs of praise as you consider His great generosity towards you. May you see with Kingdom perspective the generosity that has provided you with breath, hope and love.

I pray that God’s grace and generosity towards you will awaken compassion and kindness towards others, so they too may be drawn into a relationship with their Father that will identify them - as it identifies you - as Kingdom heirs and empowered, blessed decedents of the Throne of Heaven!


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