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Great Work


“For you, Lord, have made me glad through your work. I will triumph in the works of your hands.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭92:4‬ ‭WMB‬‬

As I worship this morning I rejoice in awe as my spirit cries out: Look what the LORD has done! The effective and beautiful work that His Great Love has accomplished!

I pray today that you will experience a fresh revelation of the effective and intimate work that the LORD has done in you…and through you.

I pray that you will clearly see how He has honored you by choosing to entrust Kingdom treasures of wisdom, grace and compassion to you. May your hands, empowered by His hands, touch the lives of those you encounter today. May they walk away from an interaction with you and know that God was at work in that situation.

I pray that the love of Jesus is experienced through you. May your joy be a testimony of His faithfulness!


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