“When Pentecost, the fiftieth day after Passover, came, all the believers were together in one place.”
Acts 2:1 GW
This morning I worship in wonder and expectation because our perfect and purposeful El Shaddi has appointed this time to pour out His Spirit in powerful and creative ways!
I pray that today you may be refreshed, enlightened and enlivened by a fresh encounter with the Holy Spirit.
May Elohim awaken and inspire you - igniting the fire within you that was kindled in the secret place, built in the furnace of time and is now being released upon a dry and unaware world! May the fire that ignites you today burn brightly so that dryness may become a flame of hope, patience may become an active influence and righteousness may show the way!
I pray that a renewed reverence for righteousness, holiness and love may pour through you as the Holy Spirit overflows within you.
May the grace & love which first transformed you now be joined with righteousness and faith so that your hope may be renewed and you may receive a fresh revelation, empowerment and grace!
I pray that your personal relationship with Yahweh may define you, refine you and ignite you - bringing you confidence, boldness & trust - so that His Glory is revealed in all you say & do!
May the Holy Spirit flow freely in & to & through you to bring wisdom & direction, love & correction, hope & redemption!