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Everlasting Fire You’re my one desire How I love to sing In the courts of my King! “We work hard, toiling with our own hands. When people...


Courage, take courage To the faint hearted : He never departed So be valiant and vigilant The victory is imminent! “Through God we will...


We are made clean Washed and made new,Redeemed! The One Who formed, has reformed us Once disregarded - Now SEEN! “For he says to Moses:...


His Glory remains forever His Word will not fade Not ever Like silver refined Gaining value from time His Glory increases, forever “The...


Holy is Your love! Great love that far exceeds! All that my life needs Is found in You “Love never fails [it never fades nor ends]. But...


“All around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pangs. But it’s not only...

New Frontiers

What He has in store Is so much more Than we’ve ever experienced We’ve not been this way before! “I publicly proclaim bold promises. I do...


Provision and wisdom Gladness and joy Complete, overflowing A harvest of knowing “I have told you these things, that My joy and delight...

Today I Pray

Scripturally based prayers 

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